Generic Logic, Inc.

Web HMI and SCADA Demos: JavaScript / React / Angular

GLG Demos on this page are written in pure HTML5 and JavaScript and work in all major web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Safari). The React, Angular and HTML version of each demo is provided, and Next.js examples are also available. At the core of each demo is a JavaScript that loads a drawing created with the GLG Graphics Builder and uses the GLG JavaScript Library API to implement each demo's functionality. This JavaScript is reused between all three versions of the demo.

The GLG JavaScript Library provides a complete GLG API with the same functionality as the GLG API for desktop applications written in C/C++/C# and Java, allowing to easily port desktop HMI applications to the web and deploy in a Web browser on both desktop and mobile devices.

A free Community Edition of the GLG Toolkit that includes a Graphical Editor and API libraries for C/C++/C#, Java and JavaScript can be downloaded from the Community Edition web page.

To download Desktop C/C++/C# and Java Demos for Windows and Linux/Unix, click on the following link: Demos and Community Edition Download.

Web HMI: Process Control Process Control Demo
Web/Mobile Dashboard Web/Mobile Dashboard Demo
Web HMI: SCADA Viewer SCADA Viewer
Combo Chart Demo Combo Chart Demo
Web HMI: Power Monitoring Web Power Monitoring Demo
Web HMI: Data Center Monitoring Web Data Center Monitoring Demo
Air Traffic Monitoring Air Traffic Monitoring Demo
GIS Demo GIS Demo
Virtual Instrumentation:
Avionics Dashboard
Avionics Dashboard
Web HMI: Electrical Circuit Electrical Circuit Monitoring Demo
Real-Time Chart:
Basic Features
Real-Time Chart Example
Real-Time Chart:
Scrolling and Cursor Feedback
Real-Time Chart Demo
Process Diagram Editor Process Diagram Demo
Diagram Editor Demo Diagram Editor Demo
Robot Arm Robot Arm Demo
Controls Demo Dials and Meters Demo
Satellite Orbits Demo Satellite Demo
3D Trajectory Demo Trajectory Demo
Air Combat Simulation Aircombat Simulation
Supply Chain Visualization Demo Supply Chain Visualization Demo
2D and 3D Graphs Demo Graph Demo

These demos demonstrate the HMI, SCADA and Visualization capabilities of the GLG Toolkit implemented via pure HTML5 and JavaScript.

To view the demos implemented using Server-Side ASP/JSP, click here.

For examples of the C / C++ / C# .NET and Java Real-Time Vector Graphics, download GLG Demos (available for both Linux/Unix and Windows platforms).