Web Power and Data Center Monitoring: GLG Demo (HTML5 & JavaScript)

This example loads drawings created with the GLG Graphics Builder into a JavaScript program that handles user interaction and animates the drawings with real-time data using the GLG JavaScript Library API.

Features User Interaction React Angular

Drawings used in this demo were created with the GLG Graphics Builder, which allows a user to create graphical objects and define their dynamic behavior using a point-and-click interface, without the need to write graphics code by hand. Each drawing is saved into a file (power_diagram.g and datacenter.g).

The GLG JavaScript Library is used to deploy drawings on a web page. The library provides an API to load and display the drawing, animate it with real-time data and handle user interaction.

The GLG JavaScript Library implements full GLG run-time functionality present in the GLG C/C++, C# and Java libraries, allowing the same graphical page and programming logic to be shared between the desktop, web and mobile versions of an application.

The demo uses simulated data, but an application-specific data acquisition mechanism can be used to supply live data for animation from any remote data source using data tags.

User Interaction

Power Monitoring Page User Interaction

Data Center Room Page User Interaction