GLG Combo Real-Time Chart Web Demo (HTML5 & JavaScript)

This example demonstrates how to display, configure and update a GLG realtime stripchart containing multiple stacked charts that share the same Time axis.

User interaction includes cursor feedback, interactive zooming and scrolling, ability to select variables to be displayed by showing or hiding individual charts, as well as define different sets of variables via configuration data.

Features User Interaction Mobile Interaction

React Angular
Touch Action:

Touch Behavior on Mobile Devices
User Interaction
Features Overview
Data Animation
Functionality Details

Touch Behavior on Mobile Devices

The User Interaction section below describes user interaction on both desktop and mobile devices using the mouse click and hover over terms.

On mobile devices, the touch action should be used instead clicking to select, and touch and hold instead of hovering the mouse over to show tooltips.

Additionally, the Touch Action selector is shown on mobile devices to control the action performed on a touch in the chart area:

User Interaction

Features Overview

Data Animation

The demo uses simulated data generated by ChartDemoDataFeed. To use live data for animation:

Functionality Details

For detailed information on the demo features and coding implementation, refer to README_COMBO_CHART.txt file.