Generic Logic, Inc.


GLG Graphics Server ( ASP or JSP )


GLG Web Demos
JavaScript / React / Angular

Click here for Web Demos

The demos on this page use server-side AJAX (ASP or JSP) that may be used to web-deploy legacy C# and Java applications.

Click here for the JavaScript / React / Angular client-side web demos.

Process Control Demo AJAX Process Control / SCADA Demo

This custom process monitoring dashboard shows a live process updated with real-time data.

The demo handles user interaction, displays tooltips and pops up dialogs showing the object's state when the object is clicked with the mouse.

Mobile Circuit Monitoring Demo AJAX Circuit Monitoring / SCADA Demo

This custom electrical circuit monitoring dashboard shows a live process updated with real-time data.

Mobile Dashboard Demo AJAX Dashboard Demo

This demo presents a sample of an AJAX Dashboard that combines several individual servlets in a composite dashboard display.

AJAX Avionics Dashboard Demo AJAX Avionics Dashboard Demo

This demo presents a sample of an AJAX avionics display with a real-time data feed.

The demo uses GLG Avionics Widgets.

AJAX GIS Visualization Demo AJAX GIS Visualization Demo

This demo presents a sample of an AJAX GIS Visualization with dynamic airplane icons and a real-time data feed.

Dial Demo AJAX Dial Demo

This demo displays samples of the GLG Dial Widgets and demonstrates how to use a dial widget on a web page, including real-time data feed and changing the dial's size.

Real-Time Graph Demo AJAX Real-Time Graph Demo

This demo displays samples of the GLG Graphs and demonstrates how to use a graph widget on a web page and update it with real-time data. The demo's source code provides an example of handling properties of a graph.

Graph Selection Demo AJAX Graph Selection Demo

This demo demonstrates the use of the graph tooltips and drill-down pop-up dialogs when a graph's datasample is selected with the mouse.

These demos demonstrate the HMI, SCADA and Visualization capabilities of the GLG Toolkit implemented using server-side ASP or JSP.

For the demos implemented using pure HTML5 & JavaScript, click here.

For examples of the C / C++ / C# / .NET Real-Time Vector Graphics, download GLG Demos (available for both Linux/Unix and WindowsC platforms).