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Click here to run Online Demos (JavaScript / React / Angular) Click here to run Online AJAX Demos ( Server-Side ASP.NET / JSP) Click here to browse the GLG Widget Catalog Click here for GLG Widgets FAQs Click here for more information Click here for documentation and tutorials Click here for Supported Platforms Click here for the Community Edition License |
Click here to Download Free Charts, Dials and MetersThe free graph, dial and meter widgets are provided as a part of the Community Edition of the GLG Toolkit, which contains the following widget sets:
All widgets may be used as individual components or embedded in a bigger GLG drawing, such as a dashboard or HMI screen. The widgets can be deployed as C/C++/C#, Java, ActiveX or JavaScript / React / Angular / Next.js components in a variety of run-time environments. Click
here for more information on the GLG Widgets. Graphics Builder: Editing and Creating New Widgets
The GLG Graphics Builder is a graphical editor for editing widgets as well as creating new widgets. Any widget drawing may be loaded into the GLG Graphics Builder to customize the widget by editing its resources. A modified widget drawing may be saved into a file to create a custom version of the widget. The Graphics Builder's Run mode may be used to prototype a widget's run-time behavior by animating it with either simulated or real data. The run command provides numerous data prototyping options. New custom widgets may be created from scratch using the Builder and added to the Builder's palettes. The Graphics Builder may also be used to create elaborate dashboards which combine several graph, meter and dial widgets in one drawing.
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GLG Graphics Builder. Deployment OptionsThe following libraries provided with the Community Edition of the GLG Toolkit for deploying GLG Widgets:
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deployment options and libraries. Generating Chart PrintoutsThe Graphics Builder may be used as a tool to generate chart print-outs for various projects. To create a graph printout, load a desired chart or graph from the Builder's graph palette, edit its colors, titles and other resources, then use the Builder's Run command to fill the graph with your data. The -script and -datafile options of the run command may be used to take graph data from a file. Click here for an example of generating a graph printout with instructions and script samples from the GLG Graph FAQ. |
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Click here for more information on the Community Edition of the GLG Toolkit, including: