The Community Edition of the GLG Map Server is a fully functional version of the GLG Map Server for the CGI and Fast-CGI deployment. It includes all features that are available in the commercial version and is provided free of charge for non-commercial use. It is provided as a service to the software development community for developing non-commercial projects that do not have resources to purchase a commercial license. The download contains the map server executable for the selected platform, a sample GIS dataset and map server documentation. MAP SERVER FILES The "map_server" directory of the download contains the following subdirectories: - bin directory contains the map server executable. On Linux, it also contains the gis_image_import utility. - cgi-bin directory contains setup files for the web server setup - convert directory contains the source code of sample filters for importing vector GIS data - src directory contains the source code of utilities for writing vector data in the GVF format - include directory contains the Gvf.h file for compiling the source code samples. SAMPLE DATASET The sample GIS dataset is located in the "map_data" directory and contains the earth image, world political boundaries, and a few other GIS layers. The map_data directory also contains scripts named request_* that contain sample commands for generating map images using command-line options. Both the Unix/Linux and Windows versions are provided. To use the scripts, edit the GLG_DIR and MAP_SERVER variables at the beginning of the scripts to point to the location where the downloaded files and map server executable are installed. GLG MAP SERVER DOCUMENTATION Online Documentation for the GLG Map Server is located at: The map server FAQs with examples of GIS query requests are available online at: When the community edition of the GLG Map Server is downloaded as a separate download, copies of the GLG Map Server Tutorial and GLG Map Server Reference Manual are also provided in the "doc" directory. GLG TOOLKIT DOCUMENTATION Online Documentation for the GLG Toolkit is located at: Documentation in the PDF format may be downloaded from: WEB SERVER SETUP INSTRUCTIONS The "Appendix A: Web Server Installation Notes" of the GLG Map Server Reference Manual contains instructions for setting up the map server as a CGI or FastCGI process on a web server, for both Unix/Linux and Windows platforms. FAST PROTOTYPING TOOLS The GLG Graphics Builder provided with the Community Edition of the GLG Toolkit may be used as a fast prototyping tool for the GLG Map Server. You may download the Community Edition of the GLG Toolkit from the Generic Logic's web site ( and use its Graphics Builder to test and debug the map server setup interactively. The first chapter of the GLG Map Server Tutorial provides detailed instructions on prototyping the map server with the GLG Builder.